to bobklips.com, the website of Bob Klips, a plant enthusiast living in
Columbus, Ohio.
(Additional content at flickr Photostream
and YouTube Channel)
Abies (winter, 2010)
Aletris farinosa (June 19, 2010)
Allium canadense (May 31, 2010)
Allium canadense (June 7, 2010)
Acer pensylvanicum (October 11, 2009)
Acer saccharinum (March 17, 2010)
aconite, winter, with eyes (March 17, 2010)
aconite, winter (March 10, 2010)
adder's-mouth, green (August 8, 2010)
adder's-tongue fern (May 22, 2010)
Allium cernuum (July 31, 2010)
Allium tricoccum (August 9, 2010)
Amblystegium varium (April 29, 2010)
Amanita cokeri (August 7, 2010)
Amanita muscaria (October 2-3, 2010)
amaranth (September 3, 2009)
Amaranthus sp. (September 3, 2009)
Ambrosia artemisiifolia (August 18, 2009)
Ambrosia trifida (August 18, 2009)
Anacamptodon splachnoides (October, 2009)
Anemone quinquefolia (April 25, 2010)
Anemone thalictroides and Isopyrum biternatum (mid-April, 2010)
Anemone virginiana (June 13, 2010)
anemone, rue and false-rue amemone (Mid-April 2010)
anemone, wood (April 25, 2010)
Anomodon attenuatus (October, 2009)
Anomodon minor (June 13, 2010)
Antennaria plantaginifolia (April 20, 2010)
ants visit extrafloral nectaries on Senna and Chamaecrista (Summer, 2010)
ants swarm at Hawk Mountain (September 19, 2010)
Apiaceae (parsely family) flower structure (mid-May, 2010)
Apios americana (August 22, 2009)
Apocynum androsaemifolium (June 19, 2010)
Aronia arbutifolia (syn.: Photinia floribunda) (August 2, 2010)
Aulocomnium palustre (April 24, 2010)
Arabidopsis thaliana (April 12, 2010)
Aralia racemosa (August 18, 2009)
Argiope trifasciata spider (September 8, 2010)
Asclepias incarnata (September 10, 2009)
Asclepias sullivantii, extrafloral nectaries (July 19, 2010)
Asclepias sullivantii, individuality among clones (July 19, 2010)
Asclepias sullivantii, insect visitors (July, 2010)
Asclepias verticillata (July 2, 2010)
ash, black (August 18, 2009)
ash, green (flowering) (April 11, 2010)
ash, green (snail feeding on stamens) (April 25, 2010)
"Ashland" (June 8, 2010)
Asplenium montanum (October 3, 2009)
aster, Short's (September 24-25, 2010)
Athyrium felix-femina (August 9, 2010)
Atteva punctella (ailanthus webworm moth) (July 19, 2010)
Augochlora pura bee (June 22, 2010)
Auricularia auricula (April 25, 2010)
bark mycena (winter, 2010)
Bazzania trilobata (June 16, 2010)
beech, American (April 11, 2010)
beetle, flower longhorn (June 22, 2010)
beetle, milkweed leaf (Summer, 2010)
beetle, net-winged (June 16, 2010)
bee, halictid (June 22, 2010)
bee, hibiscus (August 2009)
beetle, red milkweed (July 19, 2010)
beggar-tick, devil's (September 25, 2009)
beggar-tick, nodding (September 25, 2009)
bellwort, large-flowered (April 18, 2010)
bellwort, perfoliate (May 1, 2010)
bet, bouncing (June 18, 2010)
Betula pendula (April 10, 2010)
Betula pumila (August 18, 2009)
Bidens polylepis (September 8, 2010)
birch, European (April 10, 2010)
birch, swamp (August 18, 2009)
Biston betularia (pepper moth) (August 8, 2010)
blueberry, highbush (August 2, 2010)
bitter-cress, hoary (March 20, 2010)
blue-eyed-grass (May 22, 2010)
blue flag, northern (June 4, 2010)
bluets, Canada, heterostyly (April 20, 2010)
bedstraw, yellow (May 31, 2010)
Betula nigra (May 22, 2010)
Bidens cernua (September 25, 2009)
Bidens frondosa (September 25, 2009)
birch, river (May 22, 2010)
Botrychium dissectum (September 19, 2009)
Botrychium virginianum (April 25, 2010)
botanical reserve, serendipitous travelling (October 2, 2009)
Bouteloua curtipendula (July 31, 2010)
Bringing Nature Home garden (Summer, 2010)
British soldiers lichen (August 7, 2010)
brome, Canada (June 15, 2010)
Bromus pubescens (June 15, 2010)
Brothera leana (October 3, 2009)
Bryoandersonia illecebra (October 2-3, 2010)
Bryoxiphium norvegicum (October 3, 2009)
bug, large, and small, milkweed (Summer, 2010)
bug, large milkweed (July 19, 2010)
bug, stink, on asparagus (September 6, 2009)
bulrush, pedicelled and wool-grass (July 28, 2010)
Bush, George W. SOTU switchgrass (July 31, 2010)
buttercup, kidneyleaf (April 11, 2010)
butterfly-pea (Summer, 2010)
buttonbush (August 2, 2010)
Caesar Creek bio-blitz (September 24-25, 2010)
Callicladium haldanianum (September 19, 2009)
Calliergonella lindbergii (September 24-25, 2010)
Caloplaca sideritis (winter, 2010)
Calopteron reticulatum beetle (June 16, 2010)
cancer-root (May 23, 2010)
cancer-root (June 16, 2010)
Candelariella aurella (March 31, 2010)
catchfly, round-leaved (June 16, 2010)
Cardamine hirsuta (March 20, 2010)
Carex amphibola (May 15, 2010)
Carex annectans (July 1, 2010)
Carex blanda (May 16, 2010)
Carex buxbaumii (June 7, 2010)
Carex caroliniana (May 22, 2010)
Carex conjuncta (May 31, 2010)
Carex cristatella (May 15, 2010)
Carex flower structure (May 15, 2010)
Carex gracilima (May 15, 2010)
Carex granularis (May 31, 2010)
Carex grisea (May 15, 2010)
Carex lurida (May 22, 2010)
Carex pensylvanica (April 11, 2010)
Carex retroflexa (May 22, 2010)
Carex rosea (May 20, 2010)
Carex shortiana (May 31, 2010)
Carex squarrosa (May 22, 2010)
Carex stricta (June 7, 2010)
Carex vulpinoidea (May 15, 2010)
Carya cordiformis flowers (May 12, 2010)
Castanea dentata herbivory gallery (September 18, 2010)
Castanea mollissima (October 2-3, 2010)
Ceanothus americanus (June 19, 2010)
Cedar Bog Nature Preserve (August 18, 2009)
Celtis occidentalis flowers (April 7, 2010)
Cephalanthus occidentalis (August 2, 2010)
Chamaecrista fasciculata (Summer, 2010)
Chamaeaphne calyculata (August 2, 2010)
Chaerophyllum procumbens (April 29, 2010)
chervil, wild (April 29 2010)
chestnut, American, herbivory gallery (September 18, 2010)
chestnut, Chinese (October 2-3, 2010)
chickweed, common (March 20, 2010)
chokeberry, red (August 2, 2010)
cicada exoskeleton (September 6, 2009)
cicada, swamp (August 22, 2009)
cinquefoil, shrubby (August 18, 2009)
Cirsium discolor (August 22, 2009)
Cirsium muticum (August 18, 2009)
Cladium mariscoides (August 18, 2009)
Cladonia caespiticia (June 19, 2010)
Cladonia cervicornis (August 7, 2010)
Cladonia coniocraea (October 2-3, 2010)
Cladonia cristatella (August 7, 2010)
Cladonia cristatella (May 22, 2010)
Cladonia cristatella (May 31, 2010)
Cladonia cylindrica (April 20, 2010)
Cladonia furcata (April 20, 2010)
Cladonia furcata (May 31, 2010)
Cladonia macilenta (May 23, 2010)
Cladonia macilenta (August 7, 2010)
Cladonia macilenta (October 2-3, 2010)
Cladonia mateocyatha (August 7, 2010)
Cladonia ochrochlora (September 19, 2009)
Cladonia pezizaformis (August 7, 2010)
Cladonia pezizaformis (May 22, 2010)
Cladonia polycarpoides (March 31, 2010)
Cladonia rangiferina (August 7, 2010)
Cladonia rei (March 31, 2010)
Cladonia sobolescens (April 11, 2010)
Cladonia subtenuis (August 7, 2010)
Cladonia subtenuis (May 22, 2010)
clover, red (September 6, 2009)
"club cladonia" (several unidentified lichens) (May 31, 2010)
cockroach, Pennsylvania wood (September 24-25, 2010)
Colias philodice butterfly (Summer, 2010)
colic-root (June 19, 2010)
Collema subflaccidum (September 19, 2009)
Commelina communis (September 19, 2009)
compassplant (July 31, 2010)
coneflower, orange and black-eyed Susan (Summer, 2010)
Conocephalus brevipennis cricket (August 8, 2010)
Conopholis americana (May 23, 2010)
Conopholis americana (June 16, 2010)
corn-salad (May 19, 2010)
Corylus sp. (March 17, 2010)
cowbane (August 18, 2009)
cow-wheat (June 16, 2010)
crabgrass (September 3, 2009)
cranberry, large (August 2, 2010)
crane fly, giant (September 24-25, 2010)
cress, mouse-ear (April 12, 2010)
cricket, black-horned tree (October 8, 2010)
cricket, ground and pillbug (August 8, 2010)
cricket, jumping bush (September 6, 2009)
cricket, narrow-winged tree (Summer, 2010)
cricket, narrow-winged, and broad-winged tree (September 6, 2009)
cricket, short-winged meadow (August 8, 2010)
Crocus sp. (March 17, 2010)
crocus (March 17, 2010)
cucumber-root, American (May 23, 2010)
Cymbalaria muralis (June 20, 2010)
Cynthia, two-flowered (May 23, 2010)
Cyperus sp., an umbrella-sedge (September 3, 2009)
Cyperus sp., a little annual sedge (September 25, 2009)
Cystopteris bulbifera (June 9, 2010)
dandelion, common (May 15, 2010)
day-flower, Asiatic (September 19, 2009)
Decodon verticillatus (August 2, 2010)
Deep Woods Preserve work weekend (May 15, 2010)
Dennstaedtia punctilobula (October 11, 2009)
Desmodium canadense (June 24, 2010)
Diapheromera femorata walkingstick (October 24, 2010)
Dicentra cucullaria nectar robbery (April 11, 2010)
Dicranum fulvum (October 17, 2010)
Dicranum scoparium (June 19, 2010)
Digitaria sp. (September 3, 2009)
Dimelaena oreina (September 19, 2010)
Diphasiastrum digitatum (October 24, 2010)
Diplazium pycncarpon (October 3, 2009)
dogbane, spreading (June 19, 2010)
Douglas-fir (winter, 2010)
dragonfly naiad (September 24-25, 2010)
Dryopteris goldiana (October 3, 2009)
Duchesnia indica (September 25, 2009)
Dutchman's breeches nectar robbery (April 11, 2010)
earwig (September 6, 2009)
Eclipta alba (September 25, 2009)
Eleocharis obtusa (July 28, 2010)
Eleusine indica (September 3, 2009)
Endocarpon pallidum (winter, 2010)
Entodon cladorrhizans (October 30, 2010)
Entodon seductrix (March 14, 2010)
Epargyreus clarus skipper (August 22, 2009)
Eryngium yuccifolium (Summer, 2010)
Equisetum arvense (April 11, 2010)
Eranthis hyemale (March 10, 2010)
Erasmus the lawn ornament dinosaur (Summer, 2010)
Erigenia bulbosa (March 19, 2010)
Fagus grandifolia flowers (April 10, 2010)
fantastic filmy fern foray (October 3, 2009)
filbert (March 17, 2010)
fir (winter, 2010)
fern, blunt-lobed woodsia (October 3, 2009)
fern, bracken (June 19, 2010)
fern, broad beech (October 3, 2009)
fern, bulblet (June 9, 2010)
fern, filmy (October 3, 2009)
fern, Goldie's (October 3, 2009)
fern, glade (October 3, 2009)
fern, hay-scented (October 11, 2009)
fern, lace-frond grape (September 19, 2009)
fern, lady (August 9, 2010)
fern, rattlesnake (April 25, 2010)
fern, royal, on a sandstone ledge (October 3, 2009)
fern, weft (October 3, 2009)
firefly on milkweed (July, 2010)
Fissidens adiantoides (June 19, 2010)
Flavoparmelia baltimoriensis (September 19, 2010)
Flavoparmelia caperata (September 19, 2009)
Flavoparmelia caperata (May 22, 2010)
flower of an hour (September 3, 2009)
fly, crane (September 6, 2009)
fly, syrphid, bumblebee-mimic (June 27, 2010)
Fraxinus nigra (August 18, 2009)
Fraxinus pensylvanica (flowering) (April 11, 2010)
Fraxinus pensylvanica (snail feeding on stamens) (April 25, 2010)
Frontinella communis spider (August 5, 2009)
Frullania eboracensis (March 18, 2010)
fungus, shotgun (winter, 2010)
Galanthus nivale (March 10, 2010)
Galium verum (May 31, 2010)
garlic, wild (June 7, 2010)
Gaultheria procumbens (June 16, 2010)
gaura, biennial (Seprember 29, 2010)
Gaura biennis (September 29, 2010)
Glyceria striata (June 7, 2010)
Glycine max (June 24, 2010)
golden Alexanders (Summer, 2010)
goldenrod, blue-stemmed (October 11, 2009)
goldenrod, gray (September 10, 2009)
goldenrod, Ohio (August 18, 2009)
goldenrod, zigzag (October 11, 2009)
goldenrod, zizgzag (September 24-25 , 2010)
Goodyera pubescens (August 8, 2010)
gooseberry, prickly (April 11, 2010)
"graminoids" (June 7, 2010)
grass, fowl manna (June 7, 2010)
grass, foxtail (September 3, 2009)
grass, goose (September 3, 2009)
grass, Indian- (Summer, 2010)
grass, velvet- (May 31, 2010)
ground-cherry, long-leaved (August 9, 2010)
ground-nut (August 22, 2009)
groundsel, common (September 3, 2009)
Gryllus cricket and pillbug (August 8, 2010)
hackberry flowers (April 7, 2010)
halictid bee (June 22, 2010)
Hamamelis virginiana (October 11, 2009)
hardhack (August 2, 2010)
Haplohymenium triste (May 31, 2010)
harbinger-of-spring (March 19, 2010)
hawkmoth, hummingbird (August 22, 2009)
Hedyotis canadensis heterostyly (April 20, 2010)
Hemaris thysbe hawkmoth (August 22, 2009)
hemlock, eastern (winter, 2010)
heterostyly in Canada bluets (April 20, 2010)
heterostyly in Lythrum (July 31, 2010)
hickory, bitternut flowers (May 12, 2010)
Hibiscus trionum (September 3, 2009)
Holcus lanatum (May 31, 2010)
horsetail, common (April 11, 2010)
Hyalophora cecropia (August 8, 2010)
Hydrophyllum spp. (May 19, 2010)
Hyophila involuta (cecropia moth) (September 19, 2009)
Hypericum gentianoides (August 8, 2010)
Hypericum kalmianum (June 19, 2010)
Hysterium barrianum fungus (March 31, 2010)
Impatiens pallida (August 9, 2010)
Indian-pipes (June 16, 2010)
Indian-strawberry (September 25, 2009)
Iris versicolor (June 4, 2010)
Isanthus brachyactis (September 25, 2009)
Isopterygium elegans (October 3, 2009)
Isopyrum biternatum and Anemone thalictroides (mid-April 2010)
jelly baby fungus (June 16, 2010)
Juniperus virginiana in "flower" (April 18, 2010)
Juniperus virginiana (winter, 2010)
Kenilworth-ivy (June 20, 2010)
Klips, Bob (May 7, 2010)
knotweed (June 18, 2010)
Krigia biflora (May 23, 2010)
lace bug, sycamore (winter, 2010)
ladies'-tresses, narrow-leaved (August 8, 2010)
Labidomera clivicollis beetle larva (Summer, 2010)
Lamarck versus Darwin biology cartoon (Spring, 2010)
Larix laricina (August 2, 2010)
Lasallia papulosa (September 19, 2010)
leatherleaf (August 2, 2010)
leather fungus (June 19, 2010)
Lecanora dispersa (March 31, 2010)
leek, wild (August 9, 2010)
Leonurus cardiaca (June 1, 2010)
lettuce, tall white (September 25-25, 2010)
Leotia lubrica fungus (June 16, 2010)
Lepraria lobificans (March 21, 2010)
Leskea gracilescens (October, 2009)
lespedeza, Chinese (September 10, 2009)
Lespedeza cuneata (September 10, 2009)
Leucuage venusta (June 9, 2010)
lichen, beard, bushy (May 22, 2010)
lichen, British soldier (August 7, 2010)
lichen, British soldier (May 22, 2010)
lichen, British sldier (May 31, 2010)
lichen, cladonia, stubby-stalked (June 19, 2010)
lichen, common powderhorn (October 2-3, 2010)
lichen, dog (September 19, 2009)
lichen, dog (October 2-3, 2010)
lichen, dust (March 21, 2010)
lichen, frost (March 14, 2010)
lichen, gelatinous (September 19, 2009)
lichen, golden moonglow (September 19, 2010)
lichen, greenshield (May 22, 2010)
lichen growth forms (March 31, 2010)
lichen, hammered shield (August 2, 2010)
lichen, hidden goldspeck (March 31, 2010)
lichen, hooded rosette (May 7, 2010)
lichen, ladder (August 7, 2010)
lichen, lipstick powderhorn (May 23, 2010)
lichen, lipstick powderhorn (October 2-3, 2010)
lichen, mixed pixie-cup (August 7, 2010)
lichen, mortar rim- (March 31, 2010)
lichen, orange-cored shadow (March 18, 2010)
lichen, orange-cored shadow (May 31, 2010)
lichen, peg (March 31, 2010)
lichen, powdered ruffle (March 31, 2010)
lichen, powder-tipped shadow (October 30, 2010)
lichen, powdery axil-bristle (or not) (May 31, 2010)
lichen, pyxie-cups (May 22, 2010)
lichen, reindeer, Dixie (May 22, 2010)
lichen, reindeer, Dixie (May 22, 2010)
lichen, reindeer, gray (May 22, 2010)
lichen, rock greenshield (September 19, 2010)
lichen, rock tripe (September 19, 2010)
lichen, rough speckled shield (June 19, 2010)
lichen, scribble (March 31, 2010)
lichen, smokey-eyed boulder (October 17, 2010)
lichen, toad-skin (September 19, 2010)
lichen, turban (May 22, 2010)
lichen, wand (March 31, 2010)
lichen X pea hybrid? (Physcia on redbud) (April 25, 2010)
Liparis lilifolia (June 19, 2010)
Lobelia kalmii (August 18, 2009)
lobelia, Kalm's (August 18, 2009)
lobelia, pale spiked (June 16, 2010)
Lobelia spicata (June 16, 2010)
loosestrife, swamp (August 2, 2010)
loosestrife, winged, and evil purple (July 28, 2010)
Lophocolea heterophylla (March 21, 2010)
lotus, "secular" (American) (July 20, 2010)
lousewort, swamp (August 18, 2009)
Ludwigia alternifolia (August 8, 2010)
Luzula (April 11, 2010)
Lygaeus kalmii (small milkweed bug) (Summer, 2010)
Lythrum alatum and L. salicaria (July 28, 2010)
Malaxis unifolia (August 8, 2010)
Mallota bautias (syrphid fly) (June 27, 2010)
mantid, Carolina (Summer, 2010)
mantid, Chinese (October 8, 2010)
maple, silver (March 17, 2010)
maple. striped (October 11., 2009)
Marchantia polymorpha (April 24, 2010)
milkweed, Sullivant's, extrafloral nectaries (July 19, 2010)
milkweed, Sullivant's, insect visitors (July, 2010)
milkweed, swamp (September 10, 2009)
milkweed, whorled (July 2, 2010)
milkwort, old-field and whorled (August 8, 2010)
milkwort, old-field (June19, 2010)
mint, Meehan's (May 31, 2010)
Misumena vatia (crab spider) (Summer, 2010)
Medeola virginica (May 23, 2010)
Meehania cordata (May 31, 2010)
Melampyrum lineare (June 16, 2010)
monarch chrysalis (July 1, 2010)
Monotropa hypopithys (June 16, 2010)
Monotropa uniflora (June 16, 2010)
Morchella esculenta (April 20, 2010)
morel, common (April, 20, 2010)
moss, broom (June 19, 2010)
moss, fern (June 19, 2010)
moss, knothole (October, 2009)
moss, sword (October 3, 2009)
mosquito, male on milkweed (July 1, 2010)
moth, ailanthus webworm (July 19, 2010)
moth, cecropia (August 8, 2010)
moth, nolid on milkweed (July 1, 2010)
moth, pepper (August 8, 2010)
moth, plume (Summer, 2010)
motherwort (June 1, 2010)
mullien, moth (July 4, 2010)
mushroom, false coral (August 7, 2010)
mustard, hedge (June 1, 2010)
Mycena corticola fungus (winter, 2010)
Mycena corticola fungus (October 2-3, 2010)
Myelochroa aurulenta (or not) (May 31, 2010)
Nelumbo lutea (July 20, 2010)
Notothylas orbicularis (August 9, 2010)
oak, pin (April 23, 2010)
oak, post (May 22, 2010)
oak, Shumard (Summer, 2010)
Oecanthus niveus (narrow-winged tree cricket) (Summer, 2010)
Oecanthus niveus (narrow-winged tree cricket) (September 6, 2009)
Oecanthus latipennis (broad-winged tree cricket) (September 6, 2009)
Oecanthus nigricornis (black-horned tree cricket) (October 8, 2010)
Oenothera pilosella (June 19, 2010)
Ohio Moss and Lichen Association 2010 Fall Foray (Muskingum County)
Oncopeltus fasciatus (large milkweed bug) (Summer, 2010)
Oncopeltus fasciatus (large milkweed bug) (June 19, 2010)
onion, Canada wild (May 31, 2010)
onion, Canada wild (June 7, 2010)
onion, nodding wild (July 31, 2010)
Opeographa varia (March 31, 2010)
Ophioglossum vulgatum (May 22, 2010)
orchid flower structure (June 19, 2010)
Orocharis saltator (September 6, 2009)
Orthotrichum obtusifolium (May 13, 2010)
Orthotrichum pumilum (October, 2009)
Osmorhiza spp. (mid-May, 2010)
Osmunda regalis on a sandstone ledge (October 3, 2009)
Oxypolis rigidior (August 18, 2009)
Panicum virgatum (July 31, 2010)
Parcoblatta pennsylvanica wood roach (September 24-25, 2010)
Parmelia sulcata (August 2, 2010)
Parmotrema hypotropum (March 31, 2010)
parsely family flower structure (mid-May, 2010)
pearlwort (April 12, 2010)
Pedicularis lanceolata (August 18, 2009)
Pellia epiphylla (September 19, 2009)
Peltigera canina (September 19, 2009)
Peltigera canina (October 2-3, 2010)
perigynium of Carex, described (May 15, 2010)
Phaeoceros laevis (September 19, 2009)
Phaeophyscis adiastola (winter, 2010)
Phaeophyscia adiastola (October 30, 2010)
Phaeophyscia rubropulchra (March 18, 2010)
Phaeophyscia rubropulchra (May 31, 2010)
Phegopteris hexagonaptera (October 3, 2009)
Photinia floribunda (syn.: Aronia arbutifolia) (August 2, 2010)
Photinus pyralus (firefly) on milkweed (July, 2010)
Physalis longifolia (August 9, 2010)
Physcia adscendens (May 7, 2010)
Physcia millegrana (winter, 2010)
Physconia leucoleiptes (March 14, 2010)
Phytolacca americana (September 3, 2009)
Picea (winter, 2010)
pigweed (September 3, 2009)
pineweed (August 8, 2010)
Pilobolus crystalinus fungus (winter, 2010)
pinesap (June 16, 2010)
pine, Virginia (winter, 2010)
Pinus virginiana (winter, 2010)
placentation types of fruits (June 18, 2010)
Plagiomnium cuspidatum (April 29, 2010)
Plagiomnium cuspidatum (May 23, 2010)
Platanus occidentalis eating a sign (March 21, 2010)
Platanus occidentalis grafted with itself (May 30, 2010)
Pogonatum pensylvanicum (September 19, 2009)
poison ivy (September 25, 2009)
poison-sumac (August 2, 2010)
pokeweed (September 3, 2009)
Polygala sanguinea and P. verticillata (August 8, 2010)
Polygala sanguinea (June 19, 2010)
Polygonum aviculare (June 18, 2010)
Porella platyphylla (March 14, 2010)
Porpidia albocaerulescens (October 17, 2010)
Portulaca oleracea (September 3, 2009)
Potentilla fruticosa (August 18, 2009)
prairie dock (August 18, 2009)
Prenanthes altissima (September 24-25, 2010)
Pseudotsuga menziesii (winter, 2010)
Pteridium aquilinum (June 19, 2010)
Ptilothrix bombiformis hibiscus bee (August 2009)
Punctilia rudecta (June 19, 2010)
purslane (September 3, 2009)
pussytoes, plantain-leaved (April 20, 2010)
pyxie-cup lichen (April 11, 2010)
Quercus palustris (April 23, 2010)
Quercus shumardii (Summer, 2010)
Quercus stellata (May 22, 2010)
Russula sp. mushroom (June 16, 2010)
ragweed, common (August 18, 2009)
ragweed, giant (August 18, 2009)
Ranunculus abortivus (April 11, 2010)
raspberry, black (June 21, 2010)
rattlesnake-master (Summer, 2010)
rattlesnake-plantain, downy (August 8, 2010)
Reboulia hemisphaerica (April 24, 2010)
redcedar in "flower" (April 18, 2010)
redcedar (winter, 2010)
red flowers (Silene spp. and cardinal flower) (June 16, 2010)
Rhododendron maximum (May 15, 2010)
Ribes cynosbati (April 11, 2010)
Romine, Trella (May 7, 2010)
Rosa setigera (June 22, 2010)
rose, climbing prairie (June 22, 2010)
rotifer living in liverwort lobule (March 18, 2010)
Rubus occidentalis (June 21, 2010)
Rudbeckia hirta and R. fulgida (Summer, 2010)
running-pine, southern (October 24, 2010)
Sagina procumbens (April 12, 2010)
Schizachyrium scoparium (Summer, 2010)
Scirpus pedicellatus and S. cyperinus July 31, 2010)
Senna hebecarpa (Summer, 2010)
senna, wild (Summer, 2010)
Setaria sp. (September 3, 2009)
Sorghastrum nutans (Summer, 2010)
St. Johnswort, Kalm's (June 19, 2010)
snowdrops (March 10, 2010)
Stellaria media (March 20, 2010)
Saponaria officinalis (June 18, 2010)
Scapania nemorosa (September 19, 2009)
Schistidium rivulare (September 19, 2009)
Schistidium rivulare (March 14, 2010)
Scutellara saxatilis (June 16, 2010)
seedbox (August 8, 2010)
sedge, bottlebrush (May 22, 2010)
sedge, Buxbaum's (June 7, 2010)
sedge, carolina (May 22, 2010)
sedge, crested (May 15, 2010)
sedge, eastern narrow-leaved (May 15, 2010)
sedge flower structure (May 15, 2010)
sedge, fox (May 15, 2010)
sedge, fox, yellow (July 1, 2010)
sedge, graceful (May 15, 2010)
sedge, narrow-leaved (May 15, 2010)
sedge, pale (May 16, 2010)
sedge, Pennsylvania (April 11, 2010)
sedge, reflexed (May 22, 2010)
sedge, rose (May 19, 2010)
sedge, Short's (May 31, 2010)
sedge, squarrose (May 22, 2010)
sedge, tussock (June 7, 2010)
sedge, umbrella- (September 3, 2009)
Senecio vulgaris (September 3, 2009)
sideoats grama (July 31, 2010)
Silene rotundifolia (June 16, 2010)
Silphium laciniatum (July 31, 2010)
Silphium terebinthinaceum (August 18, 2009)
Sisymbrium officinale (June 1, 2010)
Sisyrinchium angustifolium (May 22, 2010)
Sium suave (compared to Oxypolis) (August 18, 2009)
skipper, silver-spotted (August 22, 2009)
skullcap, rock (June 16, 2010)
skunk cabbage (March 8, 2010)
snail, white-lipped forest (May 23, 2010)
Solidago bicolor (September 19, 2009)
Solidago caesia (October 11, 2009)
Solidago flexicaulis (September 24-25, 2010)
Solidago flexicaulis (October 11, 2009)
Solidago nemoralis (September 10, 2009)
Solidago ohioensis (August 18, 2009)
soybean (June 24, 2010)
speedwell (April 12, 2010)
Sphagnum lescurii (October 3, 2009)
spider, bowl-and-doily (August 5, 2009)
spider, banded garden (sptember 8, 2010)
spider, crab (Summer, 2010)
spider, orchard (June 9, 2010)
spiderwort. Ohio (Summer, 2010)
spikenard (August 18, 2009)
spike rush, blunt (July 28, 2010)
Spiraea tomentosa (August 2, 2010)
Spiranthes tuberosa (August 8, 2010)
spleenwort, mountain (October 3, 2009)
spruce (winter, 2010)
Stagmomantis carolina (Carolina mantid) (Summer, 2010)
Stellaria graminea (May 15, 2010)
stitchwort, common (May 15, 2010)
sulfur, clouded butterfly (Summer, 2010)
sundrops, meadow (June 19, 2010)
Symphyotrichum shortii (September 24-25, 2010)
swallowtail butterflies, tiger and spicebush (May 23, 2010)
swallow-wort, black (September 3, 2009)
sweet-cicely species (mid-May, 2010)
switchgrass (July 31, 2010)
sycamore, American, eating a sign (March 21, 2010)
sycamore, American, grafted with itself (May 30, 2010)
Symplocarpus foetidus (March 8, 2010)
tamarack (August 2, 2010)
Taraxacum officinale (May 15, 2010)
Taxus (winter, 2010)
teaberry (June 16, 2010)
tea, New Jersey (June 19, 2010)
Tenodera aridifolia mantid (October 8, 2010)
Tetraopes tetropthalamus (redmilkweed beetle) (July 19, 2010)
Thelephora palmata fungus (June 19, 2010)
Thew Cemetery (May 7, 2010)
thistle, pasture (August 22, 2009)
thistle, swamp (August 18, 2009)
thimble-weed, woodland (June 13, 2010)
threebirds (August 9, 2010)
Tallamy, Douglas W. ("Bringing Nature Home") Summer 2010
Thuidium delicatulum (June 19, 2010)
Thuja occidentalis (August 18, 2009)
Thuja occidentalis (winter, 2010)
Tibicen chloromera cicada (August 22, 2009)
tickseed-sunflower, Ozark (September 8, 2010)
tick-trefoil, showy (June 24, 2010)
Tipula abdominalis crane fly (September 24-25, 2010)
Tortula pagorum (September 30, 2009)
Tortula papillosa (September 30, 2009)
Tortula papillosa (winter, 2010)
touch-me-not, pale (August 9, 2010)
Toxicodendron radicans (September 25, 2009)
Toxicodendron vernix (August 2, 2010)
Tradescantia ohiensis (Summer, 2010)
Trametes versicolor (September 24-25, 2010)
tree ear fungus (April 25, 2010)
Tremellodendron pallidum (August 7, 2010)
Trichomanes boschianum (October 3, 2009)
Trichomanes intricatum (October 3, 2009)
Trifolium repens (September 6, 2010)
trillium, drooping (April 25, 2010)
Trillium flexipes (April 25, 2010)
Trillium grandiflorum (April 11, 2010)
Trillium grandiflorum (April 25, 2010)
Trillium nivale (March 21, 2010)
trillium, large-flowered (April 11, 2010)
trillium, large-flowered (April 25, 2010)
trillium, snow (March 21, 2010)
Triodopsis albolabris snail (May 23, 2010)
Triphora trianthophora (August 9, 2010)
Tsuga canadensis (winter, 2010)
turkey-tail fungus (September 24-25, 2010)
twayblade, large (June 19, 2010)
twig-rush (August 18, 2009)
Typoceros acuticauda beetle (June 22, 2010)
waterleaf species (May 19, 2010)
Ulota crispa (October, 2009)
Ulota crispa (May 1, 2010)
Usnea strigosa (May 22, 2010)
Umbilicaria mammulata (September 19, 2010)
Uvularia grandiflora (April 18, 2010)
Uvularia perfoliata (May 1, 2010)
Vaccinium corymbosum (August 2, 2010)
Vaccinium macrocarpon (August 2, 2010)
Valeriana paucifolia (May 15, 2010)
Valerianella umbilicata (May 19, 2010)
Valerian, large flowered (May 15, 2010)
Verbascum blattaria (July 4, 2010)
Veronica agrestis (?) (April 12, 2010)
Viola striata (April 29, 2010)
violet, striped creamy (April 29, 2010)
video, ants emerging at Hawk Mountaim (September 19, 2010)
video, bumblebee forages on buttonbush (August 2, 2010)
video, bumblebee forages on nodding wild onion (July 31, 2010)
video, bumblebee visits pale touch-me-not (August 9, 2010)
video, cicada, swamp singing at Stage's Pond SNP (August 22, 2009)
video, clubmoss spore release (October 24, 2010)
video, corn salad fly pollination (May 19, 2010)
video, firefly on milkweed (July, 2010)
video, flower longhorn beetle on appendaged waterleaf (May 19, 2010)
video, flower longhorn beetle on climbing prairie rose (June 22, 2010)
video, halictid bee on climbing prairie rose (June 22, 2010)
video set of hibiscus bee (Ptilothrix) nesting behavior (August 2009)
video, honeybee caught on Sullivant's milkweed (July, 2010)
video, honeybee foraging on Sullivant's milkweed (July, 2010)
video, honeybee foraging on Sullivant's milkweed (July 10, 2010)
video, milkweed bug on Sullivant's milkweed (July, 2010)
video, rotifer in liverwort leaf (March 18, 2010)
video, snail on ash stamens (April 25, 2010)
Vincetoxicum nigrum (September 3, 2009)
walkingstick, northern (October 24, 2010)
whitecedar, northern (August 18, 2009)
whitecedar, northern (winter, 2010)
winter annuals (March 20, 2010)
witch-hazel (October 11, 2009)
Wood, Robert poem and woodcut about hen and lichen (May 7, 2010)
woodrush (April 11, 2010)
Woodsia obtusa (October 3, 2009)

Xanthomendoza fallax ...coming soon

yerba-de-tajo (September 25, 2009)
yew (winter, 2010)
Zizia aurea (Summer, 2010)